Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

Sanghyang Siksakandang Karesian (SSK)

Sanghyang Siksakandang Karesian (SSK)
          SSCs to review and reveal the " parigeuing " which includes ten guidelines or demands that must be owned and carried by a leader in developing and leading subordinates , Prasanta known as Dasa . Ten guidelines for how leadership is able to soothe the liver , as has been reviewed in the previous chapter .
          The Prasanta Dasa , if we look closely , the principle is grounded in the quantity and quality of human relationships , but not in conditions of rigid and authoritarian . In the communication process still uses the principle of compassion penance , penance grindstones , and foster penance .
          Because Dasa Prasanta , the principle is grounded in the quantity and quality of human relationships ( human relationships ) but not in the employer - worker relationship conditions are rigid and authoritarian . Based SSK person can be said to have expertise Dasa Prasanta if he has qualified quality . In a sense , a leader must be charismatic , have ' prestige ' and ' luck ' that occurred from the inner quality , so it will appear in kepemimpinannnya traits .
          Dasa Prasanta concept is the essence of the science of human relations in management , although implicitly saying that the new one can be a leader if the inherent personal leadership character called pangimbuhing twah or complement to have good luck / charisma / prestige .
          Dasa Prasanta , when analyzed based on the concepts of leadership that is included in the category theory " Humanistic Leadership " as proposed Mc . Gregor (1966 ) , Blake & Mourton (1964 ) , or Likert (1967 ) which focused on the " development of motivation " or also be in line with the theory of " Strategic Managerial Leadership " as presented by  Buckingham & Coffmant (1999 ) , Drucker (1999 ) , or Kotter (1998 ) who also focus on the alignment of vision , inspiring and motivating and encouraging his followers .
          Dasa Prasanta is also consistent with the theory of " transformation value " Bass stated in Bennis (1993 ) , Burns (1978 ) or De Pree (1995 ) that focuses on alignment , creation , and empowerment so that leaders and followers appreciate each other, lift each the other to the level of morality and higher motivation .
          There are twelve elements that must be pangimbuhing twah marker character of a leader . The twelve complementary focus on the character aspects that must be owned by a leader of a positive character that should be preserved and developed as stated preformance SSK ( see Leadership Pangimbuhing Twah in the previous section ) .
          Concepts , patterns , figures , and text style of leadership based on SSCs within their duties , that a King as the leader of the wheels of government ( executive ) should ngagurat rock ' steadfast character ' and should be able ngretakeun Lamba earth , in the sense that a leader must be able to be welfare and  peace of the living world . In the world of life include the universe and includes inner and outer wellbeing .
         Thus , the task of the leader is to create the environment and a prosperous life , with dignity and grace and pleasure of the Creator , Allah the Merciful and Compassionate . That is the end of national aim and state society to realize that Tata Tentrem Kertaraharja build strength in peace to create welfare of the nation .
          Twah Pangimbuhing is in line with the theory of " Charismatic Leadership " as conveyed by Maxwll (1999 ) , Arthur (1993 ) , or Weber are researching since 1947 that focuses on the strength of the effect , or the tradition of superior quality that is owned by someone . Also in line with the theory of " Aspirational and Visionary Leadership " as told Burn , Kouzez & Posner (1998 ) , Peter Walkman (1990 ) , or Richard Enge (1986 ) , which focuses on moving terms , the leadership role as a compass , a guide so that others willing to fight for a common goal , then Pangimbuhing Twah is also in line with the theory of " Spiritual Leadership " Lest model of Green (1996 ) , Spears & Frick (1992 ) , Fairhom (1993 ) or Maxwell ( 1993) on the influence of self focuse to a leader who have a commitment to the spiritual , customs , culture , values ​​, and traditions of the community / environment / organizational tradition .

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