Kamis, 19 Desember 2013



          Amid today's era of globalization , glancing at the history and wisdom of ancient culture is quite thoughtful gesture . Why ? Apparently, without us knowing it , many benefits as well as the creativity and cultural information ancestor heritage ( heritage ) can be extracted and expressed yng off today .
          One of the cultural resources of the past that is very important is the script , which can be seen as a cultural document , as it contains a variety of data and information ideas , thoughts , feelings , and knowledge of the history and culture of a nation or a particular social and cultural groups . As a source of information , it is certain that Buhun manuscripts ( ancient ) is one of the elements of culture that is closely related to the social and cultural life of society that spawned and supports it , written on paper , palm leaves , bark , bamboo slats , or rattan , etc. .
          These manuscripts generally contents reveal past events that imply aspects of people's lives , especially on social and cultural circumstances , which include : systems of religion / religious , technological and material objects , livelihood / economic , social , science / education , language , and the arts ( Koentjaraningrat , 187 ; Syriac NS . , 2010: 48 ) .
          How important is a ' codex ' for civilization and cultural development and community life today ? Manuscripts as cultural documents are no longer known . Although it is still interesting to be dug , said , and can even be used as a mere moral guidance in the lives of current and future .
          Excavation text manuscripts both Sundanese , Javanese , Bugis , Makassar , Batak , and others can help uncover the nation's indigenous culture from past issues related to " the concept and the pattern of leadership " . With reference to the wisdom of the nation itself would be more grounded , because it has become the philosophy , traditions , and culture are rooted and tested hundreds and even thousands of years according to geographical situation and the character of the community itself , which currently tend - not to say too often - oriented leadership concept model of European / Western that is not necessarily in accordance with the national culture .
          However , it does not mean anti dengang then Western concept . Good concept of the West can still be used as a reference , but do not neglect the local knowledge to prioritize and perform excavation indigenous concepts that are tested . The Western concept could play a role as a supporter of the concept of local knowledge so that concepts , science , and philosophy can be a local host in his own home .
          To that end , should we want to reflect the culture of the nation itself . Digesting local wisdom buried in the ancestral cultural heritage . Particularly as reflected in the script and dealing with leadership issues .
          Indeed , this nation is rich with assorted indigenous leadership . Local knowledge of leadership , among others known as " parigeuing " ( remind , aware , aware ) , as stated in the text of the Sunda Buhun 16th century ( 1518 AD ) , in respect of moral guidance or guidelines for leaders in carrying out the duties and leadership to be successful and loved , either by the people or subordinates . In it is closely related to all aspects of life between the leaders and the led aspect of the 'real ' is happening in society today .
          Leadership issues revealed in a manuscript of the 16th century Sundanese as mentioned in the text of Trance Siksakandang Karesian ( SSK ) , Fragment Carita Parahiyangan ( FCP ) , Commission Galunggung ( AG ) , and the Trance Hayu ( SH ) . The texts in the form of palm leaves , and Sundanese beraksara Buhun ( ancient ) which can be less recognized and understood again by some people in the present .
          A leader in the script SSCs , should animate the concept of ' three secrets ' as a natural fortitude globe in order to successfully achieve greatness or better known as the concept of Tri Tangtu Dibuana packaged in the concept of ' trigeuing ' ( three warnings ) namely : as King , Hulun , Palanka ( Leader , Abdi , State ) or more specifically parigeiung , geuing , upageuing ( Leader , Clothing , Board ) . There is also written in the script SH , the third secret is divided into five sections that number to fifteen characters should ingrained in leaders , namely :
1 . Budi ( wise ) - To ( wise ) - Pradana ( pious / main / mulya )
2 . Rich ( healthy ) - Wak ( said ) - Future ( liver )
3 . Pratiwi ( grounded ) - Akasa ( space ) - Between ( middle )
4 . Eye ( vision ) - Tutuk ( speech ) - Talinga ( auditory )
5 . Bayu ( speech / wind ) - Word ( faith / works ) - Hedap ( heart / mind ) .
In addition, a leader in this manuscript should also stick to the principle teguah astaguna ( eight wisdom ) , namely : Animan ( gentle , polite ) ; Ahiman ( firm ) ; Mahiman ( intelligent , broad-minded ) ; Lagiman ( skillful , dexterous ) ; Prapti ( on target ) ; Prakamya ( tenacious and persevering ) ; Isitwa ( honest , true ) ; , and Wasitwa ( open ) .
One of the prerequisites to be a perfect leader , before a person becomes leader he has to be a faithful servant first ( satya dikahulanan ) , which should have properties never complained , not easily upset , it is not difficult ruled , never envy , his loyalty never wavered , never breaking taboos , do not harm others ( Luhya Mullah , Mullah kuciwa , ngontong dipiwarang Mullah , Mullah nyetnyot tineung urang , deungdeungeun sakahulunan ) . Besides, as a Servant also must have a personality Opat ban ( four prohibition ) , not easily offended , sulk , grumble , give up ( babarian Mullah , Mullah pundungan , kukulutus Mullah , Mullah humandeouar ) .
The legendary leader or his name is fragrant scent according SSCs leader Prasanta Dasa properties , namely ten ways to give a good command capable of calming the liver . Based SSK , held as a leader figure , if already attached to his personal character called Pangimbuhing Twah kepepmimpinan or complement to have good luck / charisma / prestige .
A good leader must have a positive attitude , able to abstain / avoid the mistakes so negative that charismatic leadership would be able to realize the leader as ' Master ' is legendary . So should steer clear of human nature that make mischief in the world called Blind Chess , Burangkak ( rough ) , Marimis ( disgusting ) , Marende ( sadistic ) , and Wirang ( sly ) .
The concept of leadership Sunda according to SSK , FCP , SH , AG should at least be able to act as a leader , manager , entertainer , entrepreneur , commander , designer , father , Servicer , and teacher . The nine criteria should be embodied and reflected in the self and the attitude of a leader and leadership , toward the ideal leader . So if someone has had nine criteria then it will manifest as a Master Leadership or ' leaders ' are legendary , fragrant scent her name as the title of kings of the Sunda - Galuh and Pajajaran better known as the " King Siliwangi " that a king who loved , admired , and respected community , and be able to empower  people , communities ( ngertaken creature rea ) Tata Tentrem Kerta Prog .

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