Senin, 09 Desember 2013



1 . Definition of Leadership
A developed and developing countries will be highly dependent on its leaders . Conversely , a country known to fail also greatly influenced by their leaders . There have been many instances , affluent and prosperous country as a result , led by a leader who is able to lead his people well . While a country could fall apart when leaders are incompetent to manage or manage the country .
Success or failure of an organization is largely determined by the leadership . The phrase stating that the leader is responsible for the failure of a job , an expression that places paramount position . A leader in any form, wherever it is located will always have the burden of leadership to account .

Leadership is needed humans , due to certain limitations and advantages in humans . On the one hand , humans have a limited ability to lead , on the other hand , there are people who have excess capacity to lead . This is where the need for leaders and leadership .
People think that a leader is someone who has the power to influence the behavior of others . In this case it appears the intensity of their relationship . Leaders and leadership are important in a group . Both are having good relationships that can not be separated .

A leadership is sometimes interpreted as an implementation and decision-making authority or an initiative to act that results in a consistent pattern in order to find solutions of a problem with . Furthermore formulated that leadership is an activity to affect people who are directed to achieve organizational goals . The concept of power is close to the concept of leadership . Power is a means for leaders to influence the behavior of his followers . Leaders should not only assess their leadership behaviors in order to understand how it actually affects other people , but they should also observe their positions and how to use his power . Every organization of any shape and its name is a system that allows each person to develop his power to do something or not do something . ( Thoha , 2009: 5-6 ) .

Issues related to management , stated that management is a process of achieving organizational goals through the efforts of others . Thus , managers are the main actors move all activities to achieve organizational goals . Management can be applied to any organization , whether corporate organizations , educational , political organizations , agencies , and families to achieve a goal . Stages of activity achievement of organizational goals through leadership , that's called management . Leadership thus has a broader sense , not just management , where management is a special kind of thought leadership in the effort to achieve organizational goals .

Leadership can be broadly used by everyone and not just limited to a particular organization or office . As explained earlier that leadership is an activity to influence the behavior of others , or the art of " art " influencing human behavior both individuals and groups . Leadership should not be limited by the rules or manners bureaucracy . Leadership can apply anywhere, as long as someone shows ability to influence the behavior of others toward the achievement of a specific goal . Leadership is restricted manners bureaucracy or associated in a particular organization is usually called management through a process of organizing activity phase , implementation and control as informed G. Terry in theory POAC ( Planning, Organizing , Actualing , Colifroling ) is a function that must be executed in management . Thus there is a very close relationship and can not be separated between leadership and management as well as other aspects .

2 . Leadership Style
A good leader is a leader who was always humble , always open to various interpretations of the reality of life . He also knows that being a leader himself was very heavy . So instead of a true leader when still hold remnants of itself on the person's vanity .
Each leader definitely has its own style in performing its leadership . Style or leadership style greatly influence the success of a leader in influencing the behavior of the followers or subordinates . The term style is fundamentally the same as the " way " that is used by a leader in influencing followers or subordinates . Leadership style is the norm to use a person's behavior at the time of the person 's behavior affects other people as he saw it ( Thoha , 2009: 49 ) .

Leadership style in this paper is divided into eight categories , namely : the leader as the leader , the leader as comander , leader as a manager , a leader as an entertainer , leader of the father , the leader of the teacher , as well as a leader Enterpreuneur . and leaders as Servicer .

3 . Characteristics of Leadership
A leader usually has a running character in leadership . With these characters , people become aware of the strategies implemented in the wheels of bureaucracy and administration .
The characters run leader will greatly affect the results obtained in the process of leadership . Each leader is usually only able to run one or two characters . Leader may not be able to run everything .
Perhaps the character of leadership is influenced by personality . And very personal . But it would be naive if a leader does not have any of the characters . The course leader will become devoid of character .
In every period of leadership appears ideally a leader who has a certain character . Thus be seen clearly the impact of one of the models applied . Every leader should reinforce the principle types of characters used in carrying out their duties .
Even when necessary , every leader needs to continually hone the sharpness of its lead character in the running . Because only in this way will emerge the mutual understanding between the people and their leaders . Thus emerged the dynamics of good leadership . Considering all parties understand the direction that will be addressed .
In this challenging century needed leaders of character . Because only leader who has characteristic that capable facing increasing challenges . However , any heavy challenges that must be faced , a leader who has character that would normally be able to get out to overcome the problem . Because this type of leader usually will be very sturdy and strong to face a variety of challenges such diverse .
The stronger a person's character will get stronger leadership in the face of the challenge in front of him . Instead leader character not be fragile in Playing the challenges ahead . This is where the importance of a nation has a leader with strong character .

               a. Leader as a Leader

Become a Leader ? Who is afraid ? Indeed a leader was born by itself , in addition to each of us could be molded into a leader . There is the hand of God that leads a person as a leader of his choice . He was born to be a leader . A leader can also arise through the forging of education and training or the situation demands . That is, he finds himself as the leader who set up through the educational process and the demands of the situation so requires.
Perhaps, you 're becoming a leader , even if not , you can be a leader . The question then is , whether you want to be a leader ? And , you think you have the skill " leadership " ?
Leader if translated into English as " Leader " , which has the task to lead me ( hint ) surrounding members . Leadership ( leadership ) is something that is talent , not necessarily all of a sudden become a leader .
Leaders of successful , on average they certainly have a history as a " leader " . Whether the class president , the board of an organization , or have a myriad of achievements . However , even if no history as a leader , do not be discouraged , because the leadership can be learned .
If we want to be a leader , for example , it must learn to be a subordinate , many successful leaders tread career to the highest level , start from the bottom . Being a leader , for example , the President , Ministers , Governors , Mayors / Regents , Head , Ward / Village Head , Chairman of the RW / RT , chairman of community organizations , Commissioner , CEO , Director , Manager , or simply become a supervisor , still called a leader .
However, being a leader , does not have to occupy the top leadership or serving as , for example, the CEO . Surely someone not be a leader because of the position to which it aspires or positions. Without one's position can still be a leader , writes Billy Boen , CEO of PT . Jakarta International Management .
In the best-selling book " Leaders Without a Title " by Robin Sharma , told how someone who does not heed positions in their work, but it continues - being willing and able to contribute the maximum to the company like a leader . When you are just a member of a team or a supervisor you can be a leader if you want . Structurally maybe your co-workers who become leaders , but that does not mean you can not pull out the leadership that you have.
Leader presents itself as the confidence they have. Real leaders do not need positions and not wait to have an important position to prove that he is a true leader . They think and act like a leader is to provide direction for his team . And like a true leader they are generally generous. They never hesitate to help others to get ahead .
So , basically everyone can run leadership and not just limited to apply in an organization or a particular office . Leadership should not be limited by the rules or etiquette bureaucracy . Leadership can occur anywhere , as long as someone shows the ability to influence the behavior of others towards the achievement of a specific goal ( Miftah Thoha , 1993: 9 )
A scholar , for example , can be followed by others and immense influence on the people in the area , do not have to first be bound by the rules or provisions that are often called bureaucratic organization . However , a manager who is bound by the rules of the organization can only behave as a leader as long as he is able to influence the behavior of others to achieve certain goals . Thus , a manager may behave as a leader , but a leader is not necessarily a manager .
A leader should be a role model . He is a mirror for members or subordinates . Therefore , the key word is the exemplary leader inherent in leadership . Give a good example , in attitudes and behavior . Only thoughts , words and actions .
Here , aspects of a leader 's personality as a leader , can not be ignored .
In other words , a leader must be able to be a leader , it means a leader must be able to show something right . In this case emphasize the behavior , attitudes and moral leaders themselves . An exemplary leader charged in addition to the presence of truth within him , so that a leader must be an example or role model to be followed by his men . If leaders act and behave properly , of course subordinates were expected to do so .
In such a leadership model , required the agreement in one mind , one word and the deed . In the sense that if the boss is like a straight needle , the thread will be straight , it is with regard to the morality of a leader .
With regard to the leader as the leader who demanded the existence of an understanding in the mind , the word and the deed , the ethics of Java known phrase that reads " word pandhita queen , tan contact Wola - guardian " , meaning greeting pastor ( and ) the king , should not be repeated - re " . Its meaning is that a leader must be consequent to implement or realize what had been said at any cost .
A leader who is consequently always determined to carry out what she had said , the Java language is expressed as a leader who has bhawalaksana properties . A king or leader must possess bhawalaksana besides other good properties . The main properties for a king ( leader ) is a generous and steadfast holds promise ( Sujamto , 1989 : 17 )
There is one trait that is close to bhawalaksana which is also a variant of the adjective " honest " , ie Satyawacana which is one of the five principles of life according Radhakrisnan ( in Sujatmo , 1989: 135 ) called Pancasila . These five principles are: ahimsa ( love of neighbor and all living things ) , alobha ( not greedy , not power-hungry ) , brahmacarya ( self-control , so the same as the key practice P4 ) , sura - pana - nisedha ( away from the booze ) , and Satyawacana ( ' telling the truth ' or specifically abstinence to say something that is not true ) .
In the context of national and state , most of our national issues are closely related with factors of leadership as a leader - with all its inherent nature , words , attitudes and actions - could be the key to success or cause failure . A President of Indonesia , for example , even though the minimum requirements for candidates for President has constitutionally defined , in practice only to the candidates will pass the gate door . Behind it , he led the country with a myriad of issues that are very complex and require a special quality that can not be captured by the Act .
Special qualities that include reliable handling policy , eager to take a decision , judgment mature , high intellect , innovative , risk-taking , adaptive , sharp instincts , awareness of the problem , mentally tough , willing to introspect and learn the error , was able to determine priority , persistent search for a solution , able to read the changing times and trends of the world, the ability to adapt , good morals , and so forth .
During the tsunami in Aceh , for example , the President 's decision to immediately ' move forward ' and arrived in Aceh on day two after the tsunami was the right decision for the strategic and policy -making processes of local governments . By being ' in front , ' the condition of great suffering in Aceh can actually be felt and understood . Because it is impossible to come by SBY if just reading a written report or oral exposure heard in court.

 b . Leader as a manager

A leader , in addition to acting as a leader , he is also required to have in terms of managerial ability . This capability is very important for a leader . One example of a system in which even the smallest life ( managing stalls for example) necessary to the administration , bookkeeping or just the records relating to the ins and outs of the shop itself , especially if it manages is an agency within the larger scope , which requires responsibility of a leader 's performance based budget .
If a leader does not have good managerial skills in managing the ' agency ' or the company he leads , then the leadership will not go well , then it will fail to lead the way . In this case everything should be carefully considered and taken into account and as well as possible , so that all the things he did with regard to his leadership could be accounted for either as well . Good understanding here means both in the sense of an orderly , systematic and orderly .
When adopting the definition of a manager , the one who acts as a planner , organizing , steering , motivating , and controlling people and mechanism of action to achieve the goal , then the leader as a manager with specific actions that will truly effective and efficient at all well managed and others ignored .
So how far the organization achieve its goals , largely depends on whether or not managerial performed a leader in operating job . A leader as manager by itself requires managerial ability .
Here , the skills and leadership role in planning , directing , motivating and controlling the entire hierarchy of the organization becomes urgent . Miftah Thoha likens stage managers in the theater as an actor , he can play a role as a liability should not be played .
A role is defined as a series regular behavior , which is caused due to a particular position . The role arises because a manager does not understand that he was working alone .
It works and engage in interpersonal relationships with subordinates , peers , and superiors . Differences aspects of the job cause all managers involved in organizational hierarchies role .
Henry Minzberg suggests there are three main roles played by each manager was quoted as saying Miftah Thoha and HB Siswanto . First , Interpersonal Role Manager ( the manager 's interpersonal roles ) . In interpersonal roles , managers must act as a leader , as a leader , and as a link that manages the organization running smoothly . As a character ( the central figure) managers often act as a ceremonial figure by performing tasks , such as attending the opening ceremonies upacar , dedication , ribbon cutting , beating gongs , greet guests , attended a wedding subordinates , and others in order to represent the organization they lead . As a leader ( leader ) , the manager must do activities , such as recruiting subordinate , lifting , training , motivating , developing , and implementing . In the informal organization usually , because they have followed the leader charismatic power or physical power . There is no formal organization , governors appointed from above , then the manager as this will often depend on the inherent powers of the office . As liaison ( liasion ) , which is associated with people who are not subordinates or superiors ( eg with colleagues within the organization or with customers , creditors , investors , suppliers , and other stakeholders outside the organization ) , to obtain information . Related to the role of inter- personal , Fremont E. Kast and James E. Rosenzweig gives examples of cases . Pulp mill plant managers ( leaders ) welcomed the high school class to discuss pollution problems . Sales manager ( leader ) urged his subordinates in order to close more sales quotas achieved this month and produce individual and group bonuses . Project Manager ( liaison ) to meet the head of design engineering at lunch time to find out if new specifications can be ready in time .
Second , Informational Role Manager ( the manager 's informational roles ) . In this role , the manager acts as a gatherer and disseminator of information . In this case , the manager plays three roles: monitoring role , the role of disseminator , and spokesperson . As monitors ( monitor ) , managers continuously looking for information that can be utilized effectively and efficiently . As a spreader ( dessiminator ) , channel manager to subordinate information is important because without it the information can not be obtained . The information disseminated by these managers can be divided into two types , namely : the reality and value . Information received by this fact could be forwarded to the manager and his staff are concerned with the information. There is also based on the value of information is information relating to the reference or references to particular person needs to know the staff or subordinates . For example, statements about the value of honesty should be the guideline for the subordinate act that subordinates be honest employee . As spokesman ( spokesman ) , managers convey most of the information collected to individuals outside the unit or even did the other parties outside the organization . Information related to the role , Fremont E. Kast and James E. Rosenzweig gives the following case . City manager to monitor federal legislation and state to determine whether its effect on local funding . City manager also disseminate the information in a staff meeting so mendapai subordinates concerned . Managing Director of a local savings and loan associations ( spokesperson ) testified before the Senate Banking Committee to lobby authorization provision of services traditionally reserved for banks .
Third, the role of Manager Decision Makers ( The manager 's decisional roles ) . In this role , the manager must act within the four roles related to the decision-making that can be taken by the manager . The role of the manager in question is the role of entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs ) , the role of reliever disturbance ( disturbance handler ) , the role of resource allocation ( resource allocator ) , and the role of negotiator ( negotiator ) .
In the role of entrepreneur , the manager seeks to enhance unit. As entrepreneurs , managers make changes voluntarily. The role of self-employment or in other terms of the activity of entrepreneurs began carefully to see or understand the organizational issues that may be tilled . As part of the monitoring role mentioned above , then look at this carefully and understand ( scanning ) , managers spend much time to look for some opportunities and some situations that might be considered as a problem . From this then design an activity manager to conduct a controlled changes .
In a relief role disruption , the manager acting against conditions which are beyond its control , such as strikes , customer bankruptcy , cancellation of the contract , and the like . This role carries a manager to be responsible for the organization when the organization is in danger , for example , will be dissolved , exposed to gossip , less good 'issues , and so forth . If the entrepreneur , the manager dealing with deliberate acts to make changes , then the manager in the face of disturbance handler actions previously unknown . previously unknown events allows to accelerate the disturbances could even allow the emergence of a crisis . So if an interruption occurs corrective action is expected to come from the manager .
As a resource allocator , the manager responsible for determining how and to whom the resources of the organization and of its own time will be used . Sharing of resources is a decision -making process . Here the manager asked to play the role to decide where resources will be distributed . Strategies should be established , the views are far and should be viewed positively manager , so that resource allocation can be given as well as mingkin . These resources include the source in the form of money , time , supplies , labor , and reputation .
As a negotiator , the manager talks premises other parties outside the organization . For example, the company president to negotiate a contract with a supplier , a subordinate manager to negotiate with union representatives , marketing managers to negotiate with retailers , and so on . The manager uses a lot of his time as a negotiator because they have information and authority required a negotiator . The negotiation process asks managers to develop strategies that benefit the organization, and in turn decision-making is an activity that can not be avoided by it .
Associated with the role of decision-makers , Fremont E. Kast and James E. Rosenzweig gives the following example . Top manager 's , however the size of the company , often engaging in entrepreneurial efforts that resulted in adjustment to changing circumstances . For example , if the desired legislation to be passed , then the savings and loan association president held a full- service bank and promotional programs to gain the attention of customers . In addition it seeks managers plan , organize , implement , and oversee a variety aktiviatas in a logical way and direct , they consumed a lot of time to deal with distractions , overcome the crisis , and fend off pressures from the outside . If seoranga 10 -year -old student who was dismissed from the school , the school building was burned and destroyed half of the building , the principals have to respond to the search for a replacement space and coordinate the activities of the students , teachers , administrative staff , and parents to implement the plan improvement . The mayor is penjatah resource to balancing plan proposed by the head of the anticipated revenue stream for years to come . The role of negotiator broadly encompasses more than just labor-management relations . For example , the executive director may engage in negotiations with several department managers and development director of the priority system for computerized multiple projects .
Another illustration in the police institution , for example , there are levels , ie Police , Police , Police , and Police Headquarters , or the term " layer capability " in every case where the investigator must be handled according to its level, such as : police handling the case should have been handled yagn , if it is not able to handle , then devolved to the police station . And so on . Vice versa , if the Police considers him to the police case , then do the transfer to the Police .
Police Chief / Chief of Police is the lead manager in the region and has the right to make decisions related to the internal organization they lead . Such investigations budget should be calculated as a standard , ie case handling difficulties encountered in carrying out the investigation . Therefore there is a level of handling cases of mild , moderate , and severe . It is included in the law enforcement tactics .
In addition to some of the manager's role can be played by any leader , as stated earlier , also demanded a leader skilled in implementing management processes . Some areas of critical skills to carry out the management process , according to Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard as cited H.B. Siswanto , is as follows .

1. Technical skills
The ability to use knowledge , methods of procedure , technique and intellect necessary to carry out specific tasks acquired through experience , education , and training . Managers need enough technical skills to run the tool ( mechanical ) of a particular job which they are responsible .

2 ) Human skills
That ability and judgment cultivated with others , including an understanding of the motivation and the application of effective leadership . Managers have enough human relations skills in order to work with subordinates in the organization and manage their own group

3 ) Conceptual skills
Namely the ability to understand the complexities of the entire organization to adapt one's place in the operation . Such knowledge justifies a person acting in accordance with the overall objectives of the organization , rather than just be a basic general purpose and urgent needs of the group . Managers need conceptual skills enough to recognize how the various factors in a certain condition related to one another . Thus , this action will be directed to the organization as a whole klepentingan

c . Leader as Commander

One of the qualities that should be a leader is the ability to move . This capability is intended not to be able to achieve immediate goals . Such a capability will indicate whether it is a leader skilled in managing the organization or not .
As is known , it should be a firm leader . This is where the function of command is very important . Mistaken in giving the command would be fatal for the organization . Provide a clear line of command so that each task can be executed properly .
Command system is usually applied in a military organization . Because the system is considered to be most appropriate . Because the command system of military organization had to be from one command . So the command path in a straight line , from top to bottom .
Bottoms must be totally submissive and obedient to orders from superiors . Similarly, an employer must also responsible for the orders given . So in a case like this there is no wrong men . If there is an error in the task , then it should be the most responsible commander .
For those men who do not obey the orders of superiors is very hard sanctions . This is the main principle in the use of the system command .
Will be able to imagine what if in a military operation , there are men who do not obey the orders of superiors , then it is likely that the operation will fail . This principle actually prefer the line instruction from top to bottom . Because of where cohesiveness and unity will be awakened .
Command system does not provide opportunities for creativity of subordinates . Because the rules are usually raw and firmly . One little in the run command system would be fatal .
Leaders as comander will be seen clearly his ability . It sometimes looks to be very stiff in this system . However Hannya is how the organization will go well .
Comander is also a manifestation of a leader who is firm and hard . This type of leader is respected precisely because daisegani decisiveness .

d . Leader as Entertainer

A leader is required in addition to managerial ability also must have the ability entertainer . Ability entertainer is one of the core of the leadership that has to do with human relations issues . A leader must be able to establish good relations with our fellow human beings horizontally with any leadership in addition to fostering good relations with subordinates and with the surrounding environment . In simple language , be said that a leader must be " flexible " to get along with anyone . He was not awkward with a subordinate , but he also does not " stiff " with people who are aligned with the position .
Entertainer ability is closely related to the problem of ' art' or art of diplomacy . A leader who has the ability entertainer , will make a formal troubleshooting problems , for example , is able to be brought into the informal setting or reduce sebaliknya.Tanpa essence or purpose of the target of interest. Usually often a difficult problem to solve in a formal situation , would be easily covered with a non-formal way .
Formal issues relating to politics , for example important decisions are usually taken is not in session or meeting , but determined at the dinner table in an intimate atmosphere and family , in this case the term lobbying or negotiation of a heart to heart . Because as a leader , he is required to be less rigid in how to lead and mobilize its efforts based on the ability of ' art ' has.
This is not a ' collusion ' . Atmosphere of intimacy and harmony that exists between human beings is a very large capital for a leader who is a strength . Since it has been able to empower the ability to ' art' of his or her entertainer so forged a harmonious relationship , harmony and the establishment of a good communication , smooth and enjoyable . Of course with one purpose or mission that the desired target successfully hit its mark .
Sometimes a leader as well as a dual role of a character , it is supported by its ability entertainer that makes him so . As a leader , through his ability as an entertainer , he is able to blossom into an authoritative figure and admired . For example : the Democratic Party was originally a small party , led by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono . SBY through charismatic , authoritative bring Democrats into a big party and win elections . Not just one election , even twice Election . An accomplishment that certainly can not be taken lightly .
Things like that of course is supported by a leader who has the ability to leaders , managers and entertainers as well . Thus it is of course the leader greatly admired by the people of Indonesia . It also gives evidence that the figure or figures SBY became one of pride for the people of Indonesia with the re-election to become president of the Republic of Indonesia for the second period 2009-2014 . A period that would not be re-elected if Pak SBY does not have these three capabilities .

e . Leader as Entrepreneur

A leader must have all three abilities other than as a leader , manager and entertainer , he also must have the entrepreneurial spirit . Namely the existence of an entrepreneurial spirit . A leader of the soul requires marketing , innovation, effort and tenacity high resilient leadership that can work well not excluded . Here resilience is not easy to give into the main keyword .
If a leader does not have the capability of entrepreneurs with good , then it would weaken the position and leadership . The ability of entrepreneurs is one measure of the success of his leadership .
Reciprocation of a company or institution depends on the ability of entrepreneurial leaders. Similarly, reciprocation of a country can be determined by the ability of its leaders in bringing people into a region of self-reliance and entrepreneurial people.
Advanced countries are State subjects capable of independent , self-sufficient , and does not even depend on the " support " or subsidies from the government . The larger subsidies given to people , the more failure illustrates a leader in managing interpreneurshipnya .
Entrepreneur as well as the leader , not just born . Entrepreneurs can be created , bred , and then became a superior human being named entrepreneur . That's necessary entrepreneurial leaders .
According to Antonius Tanan , the leader as an entrepreneur can be interpreted as a leadership that does not just play on the plains of the mainstream . Not limited to be created by the system operator . Leadership is none other entrepreneurs are leaders who are able to make creative breakthroughs and able to be accepted by the market .
This is in line with the meaning of these entrepreneurs , namely ( 1 ) capable of creative and dramatic changes , ( 2 ) create works that greeted the market , ( 3 ) creating money / final result without ' money . ' Means that the entrepreneur is able to multiply the sources that there is an added value .
How to keep a leader is able to make changes with full creative as well as dramatic ? All eventually returned to the mindset ( mindset ) . The mindset is a major influence on the formation of character , behavior and spirit to always be creative and dramatic . In contemporary language called innovation .
According to J. A Schumpeter in his book " The Entrepreneur as Innovator " . An entrepreneurial leader is a figure that high ambition in developing its business , energetic , confident , creative and innovative , fun and jaunty , forward-looking , flexible , dare to risk , independently happy and free , a lot of initiative and are responsible , optimistic view failure as a valuable experience ( positive ) , always profit-oriented , and likes to compete .
Conversely , a leader who is not entrepreneurial . Then , he would tend to think very rationally , like the establishment , and does not want any changes . Often occur leader will have difficulty in following the style of thinking of an entrepreneur . He also will have trouble following trouble every business entrepreneur steps .
In effect , the Indonesian nation is a nation rich in natural resources , but the Indonesian people as never prosper and enjoy wealth . This condition inspires people like Ciputra .
In many instances , the business mogul named Ciputra reveal the prerequisites for becoming prosperous Indonesia is nothing but a growing number of people who become entrepreneurs . There is one advantage possessed prominent entrepreneurs so that they are able to bring the carriage prosperity , which creates opportunities and execute an added value .
Indonesia clearly bowels of the earth full of opportunities . Will be many times this opportunity if handled entrepreneurial leaders are nationalist . Ciputra has no personal ambition for the sake of business . Ciputra practicing what the magnitude of the vision in 2033 to create at least 4 million entrepreneurs for the welfare of the nation .
Two other figures below also rich with innovative breakthroughs , as an example of entrepreneurial leaders . Ie, State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan ( DI ) and Muhammad Yusuf Kalla ( JK ) .
Both are seen to have similarities in leadership style and become a leader who can inspire the nation . Yes , both JK and DI appear to break through the impasse , stagnation , and stagnation in the middle of the chaotic bureaucracy nation in crisis leadership and exemplary .
DI action set the vehicle in Semanggi toll gate in the morning struck blind made ​​public . The former PLN president was upset to see such a long line of cars , but only two counters that serve users of toll . According to Dahlan , it was contrary to his instructions , toll line at the entrance to the length of five cars . ( Dawn Online , March 20, 2012 ) .
Previous employers also made breakthroughs low profile . Still remember how DI is a minister willing to ride trains and taxis to attend a government meeting in Bogor Palace . DI Performance is also not in doubt. In his hands , Jawa Pos developed into one of the largest newspaper group in the country . Dahlan Iskan also able to demonstrate the quality of its performance raised doubts PLN in many circles . Now , when so State Enterprises Minister breakthroughs made ​​by mengektifkan performance and restructure hundreds of state-owned enterprises .
JK show leadership style that is simple and straightforward so that makes every process to be smooth . JK is a leader who is unique , distinctive , bold and smart .
When you look at styles of leadership JK and DI are a lot of similarities . Both are known for being very fast in moving , firmly in the act , and always complete your existing problems with intelligent solutions . Both , JK and DI appear so phenomenal figure with various breakthroughs to achieve progress or success , although doing so in a different way ( out of the box ) . Interestingly , both of the same background as an entrepreneur .
Both always appear logical , spontaneous and decisive , even dare to take risks , future perspectives and result oriented , the typical entrepreneur . JK and DI is a leader who is not only happy to receive reports ABS or " Origin of Mr. Glad " , always appears as a problem solver without a care in the name of imaging .
There are also other leaders who were successful in establishing a local background was also an entrepreneur . Among them there Jokowi , the mayor of Solo , the former Gorontalo Governor Fadel Muhammad and Nurdin Abdullah , regent Bantaeng . They are an innovative leader figures oriented maximum results through efficient processes . For entrepreneurial leaders , slow - fast acting together memiliko risk if failure and success . However, experience as an entrepreneur , to act more quickly , effectively and efficiently as well as more challenging and innovative real without having to think about imaging .
Entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship is very important because it becomes the key to progress. Development of entrepreneurship is not just an effort to reduce unemployment and alleviate poverty . Furthermore politically , enhancing dignity as independent and dignified nation . Without a source of entrepreneurial energy , commodities and minerals are abundant in Indonesia can not be fully utilized for the welfare of the people .
Business management expert Dr . Rhenald Kasali (1997 ) provide a definition that the entrepreneur is a person who likes change , perform a variety of findings that distinguishes itself with others , aspires added value , to benefit himself and others, his work is built or not sustained and institutionalized instantaneous explosion in order later to work effectively in the hands of others .
Related to leadership , John Kotter of the Harvard Business School in Robin (2008 ) says that leadership is strongly associated with the change . Leaders set the direction by developing a vision of the future , then they engage people by communicating the vision and inspire them to overcome various obstacles .
With the picture above , this nation needs a leader figures as an entrepreneur in various fields and work areas , whether Business Entrepreneur relating to the business , Academic Entrepreneur relating to education , Entrepreneur Government relating to the affairs of government and the Social Entrepreneur or entrepreneurial community .
In the era of fast-paced change is needed entrepreneurial leadership as seen in the figure of JK and DI . Entrepreneurial leadership traits appear in not waiting or the fate of the others, but take the initiative and consider themselves to have a key role in the organization . He raised his energy . Shows that entrepreneurial creativity , always looking for new opportunities and realize them . Dare to take risks , try new things , provide strategic direction , and inspire his team . Responsible for the failure of his team , to learn from these failures , and use it to achieve organizational goals that benefit all stakeholders ( Betti Alisjahbana , 2010) .
Bring up the leader as an entrepreneur , especially in government , seems to have become an urgent agenda . America alone , under severe financial pressure , local leaders and the state had no choice but to change the way they run their business to inspire for Entrepreneurial Government ( David Osborne and Ted Gaebler , 2005) .
The mayors and governors run the system " - private partnerships " and develop some way of " alternative " to provide services . The cities helped to foster competition among service providers and create a new budget system . The government managers began discussing " corporate management " , " organizational knowledge " , and " non- city . " Some countries began to restructure their public service systems are the most expensive : education , kesehartan maintenance , and welfare .
Phoenix , Arizona , the Department of Employment Generally put in direct competition with private companies to get a contract to handle garbage collection , road repair , and other services . St . Paul , Minnesota , established the company a half -dozen private, nonprofit corporation to rebuild the city . Orlando , Florida created enormous profit center sehingg revenues exceed its tax revenues .
Minnesota frees parents and students choose the country schools and six other states quickly follow suit. South Carolina to develop incentives achievement in which schools and teachers compete for funding to try out new ideas bergbagai , principals and teachers who achieve the highest results get paid incentives , and schools whose students experienced a large increase in the basic skills and attendance will earn extra money . In the first three years of this program , the level of attendance in the state increased , the spirit of the teacher jumped faster than in other states .
Indianapolis Mayor William Hudnut , described the phenomenon as well as others . " In government , " he said in a speech in 1986, " the routine tendency is to protect the ' wet spot ' , resist change , build empire , enlarging the scope of one's control , protect projects and programs do not care still needed again or not . " On the contrary , style governance " entrepreneurs " will look for a more effective and efficient to manage :

Entrepreneurial government is willing to leave the program and the old method . He is innovative , imanjinatif , and creative , and willing to take risks . He also changed some of the functions of the city into a moneymaker suggestion rather than drain the budget , keep away from the traditional alternatives only provide life support system . It works closely with the private sector , using a deep understanding of business , privatize themselves , setting up various companies and held a variety of efforts that result in profit . He is market-oriented , focusing on performance measures , rewards the services . He also said , " Let's finish the job , " and is not afraid to dream big things .
To further clarify the picture that a leader is required to have the ability as an entertainer , in addition to leaders , managers and entrepreneurs . Namely the existence of a good relationship of cooperation and mutual need between the leader and the led or community , so that they can be successful in achieving the desired goals together . There is no success without the support of the leader of the community , and vice versa . The following leadership criteria outlined by Gajah Mada ( in Purwadi , 2007: 205 ) as follows :

Abikamika : Leaders must appear sympathetic , oriented down and put the interest of the people rather than personal or group interests .

Prajna : Leaders must be wise and prudent master of science and technology , religion can also be a role model for people.

Business: Leaders must be proactive , initiative , creative and innovative ( pioneer renewal ) and willing to serve selflessly for the welfare of the people .

Atma Sampad : Leaders have a personality : high integrated , high moral and objective and have a deep insight into the future for the betterment of the nation .

Sakya Samanta : Leader as a control function able to supervise subordinates ( effective , efficient and economical ) and equitably for bold action against the guilty without favoritism and firmly .

Pari Aksudra Sakta : The leader should be accommodating , able to integrate differences with deliberation and clever diplomacy , subordinate and aspirations of its people .

In order for the wider our view with regard to leadership , even this article is included in darmaning nerpati chess principles which are the four main characteristics of a leader as told Gajah Mada as a military commander ( Purwadi , 2007: 206 ) as follows :

1 ) Jana Wisesa Suda , namely a commander / leader should master all kinds of knowledge , better technology , military and religious spiritual science in theory and practice .

2 ) Kaprihaning Praja , A commander / leader must have the compassion to subordinates and try to establish improved conditions .

3 ) Kawiryan , a commander / leader must have the courage to uphold truth and justice with the principle of right and fear emboldened by karen wrong .

4 ) Kawibawaan , a commander / leader must have the authority to subordinates / people , so that each command can be executed and planned programs can be realized with both .

Leadership is based on Islamic law as reflected in the character and nature of the great Prophet Muhammad as a Messenger of God which includes :
· Amanah ( a trustworthy , honest , never lie and can hold the mandate ) ,
· Fatonah ( clever and ingenious ) ,
· Sidiq ( right ) and
· Tabliq ( transmitter of news for all three aspects ; mandate , Fatonah and Sidiq ) .

A king or leader must possess bhawalaksana besides other good properties . The main properties for a king ( leader ) is a generous and steadfast holds promise ( Sujamto , 1989 : 17 )

f . Leader As Teacher

At the time that the leader should be a teacher , a teacher . A leader should have been able to become a teacher for his men . He was able to answer every question of his men who do not know about something . So that men feel a lot of lessons from the teacher .
Like a teacher , a leader shall know the about many things . So he actually inquired into place , a place to learn , and a place to dig science . A leader who is not able to answer those questions that lead would be considered less prestigious or less competent . For that a leader shall continuously increase knowledge and the knowledge that he was able to be a good teacher .
Another teacher understanding is that a leader must be able to be a teacher in the performance of its duties . This means that a leader must be able to have the skill and ingenuity more than his men .
A good teacher is a teacher who always had the soul " guiding " . Similarly, a good leader is a leader guiding spirit of his men . This type of leader with patience and diligence led his men are sincere . So that his men also feel guided and was getting guidance from their leaders .
In the case of this guide the necessary patience and tremendous patience . That is , a smart leader is not enough . But he needs to have the properties of patient and painstaking . As is known , the men certainly have the character and nature of various kinds . Leaders must know and be able to manage each of these characters . Thus the leader is able to be the place of his men complained anyone with patience and diligence .
A good teacher is to have a devoted soul . Similarly, a good leader is a leader who has devoted soul . Devotion must also be given outright and unconditionally . Here it would seem that if a person is referred to as a true leader or not ? All can be seen from how much devotion given by a leader to his men .
Leaders who have dedicated souls will tend to be loved people. In many cases these types of leaders will be eternal . So it is not surprising that this type of leader will be selected again for the subsequent periods . Instead , the leader of the all have strings attached will be less loved by his people . This is where the toughest test that must be faced by a leader .
Another is the nature of the teacher as a role model for his students . When applied in such a case it is a matter of leadership is also required to become an exemplary leader of his men . Every movement and leaders will step into the spotlight . For that a good leader must be able to be a role model of course his men .
Modeling is necessary because these types of leaders such as giving orders unwritten . Modeling is the easiest way to get people to follow , imitate , or emulate anything done by the leader . An example is also the most effective way to make others do what the leader .

g . Leader as Father

A leader must be fatherly . That is to be respected and honored . Be well served by his subordinates and be wise . A father , surely will be the safest place to lean on the " follower" of her .
Fatherly nature is important , because with this attitude , men will not hesitate to ask all the things that she did not know . Even a father should also be ready to be a place to complain , vent , and asked where the above problems experienced by men or subordinates .
Protects subordinates can be widely translated . Which provides protection and safety of all his men , without ever treating anyone subordinate favoritism . Thus , men really feel comfortable in carrying out any work assigned to them .
Wise nature , is inherently already should be the attitude of a father . The nature of the wise must be attached to a leader . Wise in deciding , wisely in giving rewards and punishmen , and wise in attitude and behavior to all his subordinates .
One of the important properties of this type of leader is a matter of patience . A father should be patient in guiding subordinates to be able to perform tasks well .
As is known , men often have different characteristics between men with one another . Here a leader to be extra patient with the men who are so diverse that behavior . If not then the purpose of leadership that he could waistband failed middle of the road .
A father should certainly be an example in every step . Here the example is a fixed price which must be equipped someone who has been considered to be the father . Without the example , it is difficult for men to respect the boss let alone sympathy . Once a set a bad example to subordinates , since it goes the attitude to - late fatherhood of the leaders .

h . Lleader as Servicer

Leaders must be able to be good stewards of the superiors , subordinates , as well as to society . That way he can be loved and respected by those around him . Serve soul should be carried out with sincere and honest . That is the soul served no element expect rewards and the like .
Being a spirited leader serving this is not easy in implementation . Therefore , the culture and behavior of officials or bureaucratic system has not been able to implement all of these services are good . In some agencies even seen that the leader actually asked to be served .
Trend future leader is a leader who is able to provide maximum service to the community . This type of leader is a leader who will be a popular and well-liked by the public . The only interest of this type of leader is satisfying the expectations of the people on the attitude of the leadership of the executable .
In many cases , this type of leader will be elected and re-elected by the people while held elections or election for example . So , in fact our society it is not too difficult and complicated their request . That is just engaged , fulfilled their rights , well served , and given a number of things that they need .
Serve spirited leader , has several requirements that must be hold . Which provides the best of any potential possessed by the leader . Society never ask for more than they need . Even most public -spirited " nrimo " , often forgetting ever done mistakes leaders.
When all the leaders were able to have a service life , real people will be prosperous . Not easy indeed . But that does not mean it is impossible .
According Greenleef , before someone becomes a leader he must first be a servant . A great leader must first serve others . True leadership , emerged from their primary motivation is to help others . Leading is serving .
The most important thing a leader should possess Greenleaf version , first , listen and reflect on what is heard is the one characteristic that is vital for leaders who serve . Not only the ability and commitment to listen intensely and wants what is conveyed by the group , but also the ability and commitment to hear his voice . Trying to understand herself , aspirations , and values ​​it stands for.
The second feature , has empathy . Empathy is the ability to not only comprehend and understand what other people feel and think , but also really come to feel and understand what is perceived by others .
Third , self-conscious . The ability to comprehend and understand his strengths and weaknesses , as well as the purpose and meaning of life that wants to accomplish , which is to serve .
Fourth , the ability to influence others in a persuasive manner . He does not impose his will on the authority . He always tried to convince subordinates of the truth or beliefs or decisions to be taken together . He always tried to build consensus in the working group .
Fifth , the ability to get out of the routine and see great things . A servant leader is also a visionary leader . He was a leader who did duty in the mandate , is committed to developing others . Commitment to building community among members of the organization .

i . Leader as Designer

Leader as a designer is a major advantage as compared to a human or a machine other creatures , namely the creator and pioneer sebgai capable of creative thinking , innovative , and visionary and able to make a solid organizational design , robust , reliable and superior .
leader in this category , for example , Raden Wijaya (the founder of Majapahit ) , Raden Sanjaya ( Founder of the Ancient Mataram ) , Sribaduga Maharaja ( Founder Padjadjaran ) , Soekarno-Hatta ( Proclaimers Republic of Indonesia ) , Mahatma Gandhi ( Proclaimers India ) , Sun Yat Sen ( People of the Revolution China ) , Einstein ( Relativity Physics ) , Alfred Nobel ( Dynamite Creator ) , Edison ( inventor Electric )

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