Kamis, 19 Desember 2013


Leader as Abdi
          SSK VI reveal " leader as servant attitude " , which gives a message that the prerequisite before so leaders must be able to act as a servant first . That is , do not dream could be a good leader before being able to pass and act as servants , so that the concept of leadership is divided into 3 conception , namely as Hulun ( servant ) , Palanka ( container / GOI ) , Prebu ( leader ) .
          By the very nature of a servant leader is just a major , as maid . Even in the " 8 habbits " said the supreme leader is a level 5 leader who is able to devote himself without limit / no limit to serve with humility and consistent attitude to keep reminding about the infinite truth . As for the properties as a servant leader include:
a. Mullah Luhya ( not complaining )
b . Mullah kuciwa ( do not be disappointed )
c . Mullah ngontong dipiwarang ( not difficult ruled )
d . Hiri Mullah and Mullah envy (do not envy and jealousy )
e . Mullah nyet nyot tineung urang (never wavered )
f . Mullah kukulutus (never grumble )
g . Haywa Pamali (never breaking taboos )
h . Deung deungan sakahulunan ( not harming others ) .
This is in line with the theory of " Leadership as a Waiter " from Farhom (1994 ) , Benge (1950 ) , or Schein (1992 ) suggests that in fact the leader is to serve others , serve the community and serve the interests of the organization so that a leader must be empathetic , responsibility , persuasive , a good listener , committed , consistent and consequent .
Attitudes another servant leader as noted in the text as 4 SSCs are restrictions that should be avoided : Mullah babarian ( do not be easily offended ) , Mullah pundungan ( not easy to sulk ) , Mullah humandeuar ( not easy lamented ) , Mullah kukulutus ( do not grumble ) .
As for the attitude of a servant leader as the latter within their SSK - IV , that it is essentially the devotion of worship , work plant cultivation ( the karma ninghulun , saka road urang Hulun , karmo ma ) , then as a leader should fear ( the fear ) , shy ( hence Jarot ) , respect ( the Atong ) , no-nonsense ( hence teuing ) .
In connection with the ban , the SSK revealed that the leader must be able to maintain dasakreta as dasaindra embodiment , which should keep your eyes , ears , skin , tongue , nose , mouth , hands , legs , body , and genitalia in line with QS Al Araaf 197 .
SSK manuscript peeling apart the good and bad characteristics of a leader , also contained human nature that make mischief in the world called Blind Chess , that is human nature that berkaraker four giant destroyer of life .
a. Burangkak ( terrible ) , known as mad creature mighty terrible , unfriendly , often snapped . Burangkak behave rudely , take the heat , do not know manners nd often break the rules . Feel rank higher than others.
b . Mariris ( heart / disgusting ) , the more disgusting than rotting animal carcasses ; humans who like to take away the rights of others, corrupt , cheat , lie .
c . Marende ( scary ) , the SSK is a giant -faced countryman fire . At first people assumed that the leader character cold remedy , the public is able to bring peace to live peacefully , but after becoming leader turned out to bring the heat and cause a disaster in the community .
d . Wirang ( embarrassing , cunning ) , the SSK is shown as a terrifying beast , that is, those who do not want to be honest , he does not want to admit mistakes , unwilling to come clean , sera always blaming others .
One of the main prerequisites as a servant is fidelity ( satyadikahulunan ) are realized in the form of devotion to God Almighty , the parents , the state , a noble goal , society , leaders , yourself . As for the script -I SSCs known as Dasa istlah Perbakti which originated from devotion in a family environment , education , community , government , and in the moral environment of spiritual divinity .
The concept of loyalty as a servant is also expressed in the philosophy and understanding of the ancient Javanese script hanacaraka , Datasawala , Padajayanya , Magabatanga . Which means , no soldier as an ambassador / envoy who brought the news but because of his loyalty to the king's order finally to bring his loyalty until death . In this case implied that it should be maintained loyalty to the death .
When you view the concept of the religious devotion , as implied in the Qur'an ( Al Dzariat 51:56 ) , said : " I do not make the jinn and mankind except to serve Me " and further says in surah Al-Fatihah , which reads : " iyya kana ' Budu wa'iyya kanas Ta'in " ( only to Thee we serve and Thee only us for help ) . So , that is the task of the real people in this world merely to serve . And are reminded of the man do not ask for help before they can serve perfectly , because habits that happens, people are always asking for help but do not remember ever not even serve well to others especially to the Almighty .

1 komentar:

  1. Saat ini sudah saatnya meninggalkan budaya Pemimpin yang ingin/minta dilayani oleh bawahan.
    Era saat ini adalah Pemimpin Yang melayani (Servant Leadership).

    Bagaimana utk menjadi pemimpin yang melayani ?
    - Tidak berbelit-beli
    - Bersikap jujur dan adil
    - Tidak mudah mengeluh
    - Tidak melanggar aturan
    - Tidak bersifat iri dan dengki
    - Tidak ngomong dibelakang/ngedumel.

    Siapa yang harus dilayani ?
    Yang harus dilayani adalah masyarakat dan bawahan. Krn dengan budaya melayani tersebut, maka orang yang dilayani oleh pimpinan akan merasa dihargai dan di "manusiakan", sehingga yang muncul adalah rasa segan dan hormat tanpa adanya paksaan serta tekanan.

    Bripka Anita Rosalina.
    Polda D.I. Yogyakarta.
